Thursday, April 19, 2012

Tomato and Mozzarella

Tomato and Mozzarella
This is SO easy, and a wonderful accouterments to most dinners!  (And it's one of my family's favorites!)

You will Need:

Mozzarella cheese (fresh is best! We used our homemade herb mozzarella for this one.)
Tomatoes from the vine
Fresh Basil
Italian Dressing (home made is always best!)
Course Kosher Salt
Fresh ground Black Pepper


Slice tomatoes and mozzarella into slices.
Rip the basil leaves to release flavor.
Arrange on plate: Mozzarella first, Tomato second, Basil on top.
Spread a pinch of salt over the top.
Cover in dressing.
Refrigerate until ready to eat!

Enjoy! <3