Friday, May 11, 2012

Pork Chops tonight!!

Pork Chops, My Way!

I think when most of us think back on pork chops, we remember those hard, tasteless things that you had to drag through the applesauce just to give them some flavor. You know, those dried out hunks of brick that sat on your plate as a child while you tried to imagine new reasons not to eat dinner.
Well, if the rest of the pig tastes so good, why not these as well? I decided to try and make them better. And a few years ago, I succeeded. Now my children enjoy pork chops, and even though we do not eat them too often, when I do make them, I know that they will be eaten!
My recipe makes them moist, almost fluffy, and delicious! Wait until you try them. You will love them!

What you will need (to feed 5 people):

5 Large Pork Chops, Bone In
Bacon Ranch Dressing (I prefer store brand, especially since I will no longer support Kraft.)
Italian Breadcrumbs
No-Stick Cooking Spray


- Pre-Heat oven to 350 degrees.
- Spray a baking tray with cooking spray.

- Pour dressing into a wide, shallow bowl.
- Put a cup and 1/2 of the breadcrumbs into a large (gallon size) storage baggie.
*If you run out of either, just refill.

- Coat both sides of each pork chop in the dressing, then shake in the bag.
- Place on the baking sheet, and spray more cooking spray on top (so you don't have to turn them)

- When they are all ready, put in lower half of oven and bake for 48 minutes.
- Serve with pasta in olive oil, or biscuits and corn, or whatever (even applesauce!)

Enjoy!! <3

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